Archive for August 22, 2011

This weeks winners of Music Video Of  The Week goes to the Fight Song by the scary looking Marilyn Manson!

My choices last week were picked in light of the previous weeks  rioting in Britain.

Marilyn Manson was born Brian Hugh Warner in 1969, and was a former music journalist.  Manson is now famous for his controversial stage performances and image.

The tainted Love singer got his name from joining together the American actress Marilyn Monroe with convicted mass murderer Charles Manson, this mismatch of names was the singers way of highlighting America’s bizarre culture.

Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson

Controversial singer is slated by the media.

The singer has, over the years, been slated in the media for his detrimental influence on young people with his outrageous style and shocking lyrics. After the Columbine High School massacre, there were accusations that the killers were influenced by Manson’s music. It later transpired that neither of the Columbine High School killers were fans of the singer.

Manson’s autobiography The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell

In Manson’s autobiography The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell,  the singer talks about his grandfather’s sexual fetishes, including bestiality and sadomasochism, which influenced the singers band Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids.

During his childhood Manson was subjected to repeated sexual abuse by a neighbour. This certainly explains the way he hides behind his controversial stage persona and subsequent alcohol abuse.

Once married to Burlesque model Dita Von Teese, the singer divorced following an alleged affair with  19-year-old actress Evan Rachel Wood, who appeared in his video for the single Heart Shaped Glasses.

The oddball singer is also an acclaimed artist and has held art exhibitions showcasing his talent.

This talented writer, rocker, singer, photographer, film director and composer is a very busy man, does this help rid him of his demons?

Watch the Fight Song by Marilyn Manson here:-

Next weeks Music Video choices are:-

1. Madness – House Of Fun

2. Shakin Stevens – This Ole House

3. Talking Heads – Burning Down The House

To vote for the best Music Video Of The Week go to Facebook page.