Archive for September, 2011

X-Factor heart throbs are kick starting their debut tour at Wolverhampton Civic Hall.

The Boy Band, which includes Black Country local lad Liam Payne,  are to kick-start their UK tour near his home town of Bushbury in Wolverhampton.

One Direction tickets available on Saturday 1st October

One Direction tickets available on Saturday 1st October

High demand expected for One Direction tickets

Tickets for One Direct will go on sale on Saturday 1 October, but due to the high expected demand, tickets will be limited to just four per person.

One Direction have taken the nation by storm, also hitting the headlines recently when their debut single ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ shot to No.1 on iTunes within just 15 minutes of being released.

The boys who all failed to qualify on the X-Factor in 2010 as solo candidates, were thrown together by the X-Factor bosses and thus qualified for the Groups category. They finished third behind runner-up Rebecca Ferguson and the 2010 X-Factor winner Matt Cardle.

The group was immediately taken under Simon Cowell’s wing and signed a whopping £2 million record deal with his label Syco.

This 21 date tour will see the band performing at various venues in the UK, including a return to the Midlands to play the massive  NIA in Birmingham on the 4  January 2012.

Check for One Direction tickets this weekend!

Their debut tour will be touring the length and breadth of the UK, so don’t miss out on what is promises to be the fastest selling tour of 2011. One Direction tickets are very limited, so there is no weekend lie in for fans! will have One Direction tickets listed from 9am on Saturday morning, so the best of British luck!

Watch One Direction’s new video ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ here:-

Staying True Is Ed Sheeran’s Promise!

Posted: September 27, 2011 in Concerts
Ed Sheeran has had his debut ‘+’ album at No.1 in the charts this month and already he is planning to record his second album.

Staying True!The singer songwriter released his single’ You Need Me, I don’t Need You’ after record companies tried to change him and who he was, even down to dying his ginger hair!  He has said he had written the song about staying in the music industry; it wasn’t about a particular person.

He is now determined to stay true to himself no matter what people say about him.

Ed told Asylum UK “Even if I wasn’t successful with the next album, as long as I do what I want and I’m happy with it, it will be fine. I think the worst thing is when people call other people sell outs. If I got a bad review in a paper and thought ‘oh fuck he’s right’ – that would be selling out.”

“I am 100% happy with everything I did on my first album. I don’t think I’ll ever lose that. I come from a scene where we like to be credible and do what we want,” he added.

Ed has a wonderful talent and fab voice, so it’s not surprising that he doesn’t need people to push him around, this guy certainly knows what he wants out of life!

Ed Sheeran will be touring the UK with his next appearance at the O2 Academy in Oxford on the 2 October he will be singing his way around the UK until 21 January 2012 at the O2 Academy in Brixton. have Ed Sheeran tickets available for all gigs, although some  tickets are very limited, have a look and see if the singer song writer is performing  at a venue near you!

Kids days out in October half term

Kids days out in October half term

The summer is officially over and as we head into Autumn, our delightful children have only been back at school for a couple of weeks and already we are looking for things to do in the October half term.

I always look forward to October half term as the weather can sometimes take you by surprise, by being quite warm and sunny, although don’t quote me on that!

Taking the kids out for the day during half term can be cheap and great fun. My kids love to run through leaf strewn parks and woods chasing the dog, with the promise of a mug of  hot chocolate or a bowl of hot steaming soup – normally at a National Trust House!! have come up with  few ideas to keep your children occupied during the Autumn half term break.

1. Spooky Secret Island:  Royal Gunpowder Mills in Waltham Abbey.

This lively and eclectic mix of activities during 22nd -30th October, includes science shows with Professor Nitrate’s evil twin Dr Gore, an array of spooky activities, including face painting, make your own monster snot and gruesome feely boxes. Get spooked during the  ghost busting antics whilst armed with your very own gun-style rocket launchers, or why not jump on the Land Train and explore the Spooky Secret Island. Lots of fun for all the family!! Click the link above for more information.

2. Long In The Tooth Object Handling Workshops at Hunterian Museum Royal College of Surgeons.

During two days at the Royal Collage of Surgeons (25th and 26th October) why not let your children get up close and personal with the skulls and teeth from the odontological handling collection. This FREE event is held Tuesday 25th October, and is recommended for ages 6 – 10 years of age, whereas  Wednesday 26th October is recommended for 11 – 14’s.  Both sessions last approximately 45 minutes and all children must be accompanied by an adult. Click the link above for more information.

3. Conkers Discovery Centre, Moira, Leicestershire

There is always so much to do at Conkers Discovery Centre with 120 acres of woodland to explore with 23 different activities including a children’s and adult’s assault course for you to tackle, explore the interactive exhibits indoors, or even  take a ride on the  steam train.

Why not finish off at the lovely Olive Tree Restaurant, that offers luscious lunches from pasta dishes through to pizzas, with good news for adults…….It has a Starbucks coffee lounge in the Gallery!!  The landscape at Conkers during half term is always alive with colour or whenever you choose to visit! Click the link above for more information.

4. The Weald And Downland Open Air Museum, Singleton, Chichester.

The Weald and Downland Open Air Museum will be putting on some wickedly wonderful seasonal activities during 24th – 28th October. Get your little ones involved with fun and farming, by either carving a really scary pumpkin, join in with the conker matches or enjoy using your artistic skill with the many art and craft activities laid on this half term week. Don’t worry if the weather is wet, the activities will be held under cover!! Click the link above for more information.

5. Big Fun With Little Trains, National Railway Museum, York.

The National Railway Museum in York are organising a weeks event during half term called  Big Fun With Little Trains from  22nd – 30th October. Entry is Free to this  fantastic week of toys, models and rides. The whole family can get stuck in, with pedal train driving for kids, and mini rail rides for the grown ups who fancy going back to their childhood again! There are model layouts, hands on toys of all shapes and sizes, and loads more. This event has been sponsored by Hornby, and will be fab day out for all train enthusiasts young or old! Click the link above for more information.

BritEvents – What’s On. When It’s On!! 

There you are,  just a handful of ideas for you and your family during October half term. Check out to find out about loads more family attractions or activities including  events, shows, musicals or theatre.

Kasabian: Most Tracks Written In Bedroom

Posted: September 21, 2011 in Concerts
Leicester band Kasabian have been together since they were 11 years-old when they were bought together whilst playing their favourite subject, football!

The Leicester City Football Club supporters still play football, and whilst appearing on BBC Breakfast television, Tom Meighan commented on guitarist Sergio Pizzorno’s  fantastic football skills! – (What with those legs?).

Kasabian to tour UK

Kasabian to tour UK

With a new album to promote, the pair were more interested in talking about last seasons FA Cup draw, when Leicester drew Man City, Serge looked almost drawn to tears as he recalled the moment of the draw, saying it was  “magical”.

The guys from the indie rock band , who came across on the BBC Breakfast Show as having a wicked sense of humour, told Charlie and Sian about their new album called Velociraptor. They described the theme of the album as a ” jukebox record”, with “every song being amazing, throwing out amazing tunes.”

The album was likened to early Radiohead in the days of OK Computer, the two band members, who were noticeably very proud of their new album, certainly took this as a compliment.

Tom and Serge explained they had tried to replicate the sound of  Led Zeppelin as they would have sounded today, and upon listening to the CD, this certainly does makes sense! Even though most of the band’s material is written by Serge in his bedroom!

Naughty But Nice

Kasabian have recently got themselves in trouble with the New York Police after appearing on top of a skyscraper during the New York Fashion Week.

The band was playing at the 40th birthday celebration of the clothing and accessories label Mulberry, when the New York Police Department asked them to turn the music down –  twice!

The Sun spoke to the guitarist who told them, ” The Police came up twice to tell us to turn it down. The second time they didn’t look so happy. I think the owner turned it up.”

Kasabian Take To The Road

The Leicester band will be taking their new album on the road, and will kick-start their UK tour at the Brighton Centre on 28 November.

http://www.Britevents have Kasabian tickets available, we’ve saved you time by shopping around, so nip over to and grab yourself some Kasabian tickets at the cheapest prices, sometimes even below face value.

Check out Kasabian’s Switchblade Smiles here:-

It’s Ghost Hunting season!

Posted: September 20, 2011 in Attractions
‘Tis the season of Ghost Hunting
The UK is becoming more and more obsessed with the paranormal and ghost sightings, me included and I admit that I may have seen a couple of “ghosts” in the past.

Not only are there hundreds of Ghost Hunts or ghost walks around the UK, but now you can actually do a course to become a Ghost Hunter!

Yep, I am not joking the course is advertised as “So You Want To Be A Ghost Hunter?” – Whatever next!

Anyway, checking out  for Ghost walks I happened upon this very scary sounding Halloween Ghost festival for 2011.

Til Death Do Us Part

Til Death Do Us Part

Haunted Newcastle Ghost Walks have been awarded England’s 5th Most Scary Ghost Walk, and this year their Til Death Do Us Part Ghost Walk guarantees to have the scariest route yet.

With petrifying experiments, scary stories, weird history and wicked humour this ghost walk  has access to Newcastle’s most haunted places and is definitely one to be missed if you suffer from a nervous disposition!!

A special Halloween Walk – not for the fainted hearted!

Included in the Ghost Walk during Halloween week of the 28, 29 and  30 October, the tour guide will take you on a special walk which will include one of the most haunted sites in the North of England – The Castle Keep, well-known for local myths and paranormal activity.

I have been informed by one of the organisers from Alone In The Dark, that during  Halloween weekend, The Keep will be transformed by projected pictures on the walls of The Keep of ghostly images previously caught on camera  and EVP recordings, captured at earlier ghost hunts, will be piped around the area.

The Keep has had many ghostly sightings, but one in particular is of a monk who has been seen walking the outer walls as well as inside the castle, many visitors to The Keep have witnessed the monk rushing past them, some unlucky individuals have been knocked back by the ghost!

Alone In The Dark investigate

Members of the ghost team from Alone In The Dark, have investigated the castle over 6o times, and are still experiencing new paranormal activity, including a member of staff being slapped across the back of the head and another being knocked to the floor.

The most recent and most scary was when two members of staff were attacked by unseen claws, disturbingly both attacks resulted in the members of the team suffering from red burning scratch marks on the back of the neck!

This is undoubtedly one of the most scariest ghost walks in the UK.  The tours meet at the Castle Keep from 7pm and cost just £6 per person, but booking is essential.

So prepared to be scared, visit for dates and more  information on Til Death Do Us Part Ghost Walks, we double dare you!!!

The Hunter returns

Posted: September 19, 2011 in Comedy, Concerts, Theatre
The highly acclaimed US comedian, Reginald D Hunter, returns to UK theatres this month with a brand new tour entitled ‘Sometimes Even The Devil Tells The Truth’.
Reginald D Hunter

Reginald D Hunter

Hunter, is as well-known for his guest appearances on BBC’s ‘Have I Got News for You’ as he is for his stand-up routines. He will  be playing 50 gigs across the UK during September, October and November.

Hunter, although born in the US, has lived in the UK since becoming a drama student at RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) at the age of 27. His path to comedy came after he was dared to perform a stand-up routine by a fellow student. He enjoyed the experience so much he decided to make a career out of comedy and he hasn’t looked back since his first success in 2002 when he was nominated as Best Newcomer at the Edinburgh Festival.

The comic had a troubled early life in Georgia in the US. His mother beat him repeatedly and he was arrested when 19 for shoplifting. Following his acquittal he was introduced to actor Leo McKern by his lawyer and this led to his interest in British culture and his eventual move to the UK.

Those that have seen Hunter perform will confirm that he has a keen interest in racial issues as well as the well-documented differences in life between the UK and the US, particularly in language. He can be razor-sharp with his observations on social and political issues. Equally he can raise the roof with a bit of simple, sexist mischief-making, especially when he lays on the Southern charm before delivering the cutting punchline.

Hunter has admitted in interviews that comedy is his religion and that his performances are often motivated by what has caught his imagination or annoyed him that day, whether it be politics, a news story or something more personal. He is often risqué – as shown by his frequent use of the word ‘nigger’ in an attempt to reclaim the word from its ‘gansta rap’ adoption. There’s no doubt, however, that Hunter has a keen intelligence that underlies his observational style and the Southern drawl that so enchants his fans, the female ones in particular.

The controversial nature of many of his tour titles (‘Trophy Nigga’ and the award-winning ‘Reginald D Hunter: Pride and Prejudice….. and Niggas’, for instance) have often shocked – the latter being banned from the London Underground. That may explain the less contentious title of  ‘Sometimes Even The Devil Tells The Truth’ being used this time around. As the title suggests, Hunter will explore the effects that lies and truth-telling have in modern society.

It’s not new ground in any sense, comedians from Billy Connolly to Lee Evans have performed routines about the nature of truth in our contemporary lives but I would hazard a bet that Hunter will give these traditional comic themes a fresh twist in his own enigmatic way. have Reginald D Hunter tickets available this autumn at a number of UK venues, starting with the Grand Opera house in York on 26 September, so don’t miss out on one of the best comedians of today!

Watch Reginald D Hunter perform ‘Live At The Apollo’ here:-

In an era where so much popular music is manufactured and so-called stars don’t possess the ability to write songs, play instruments or hold a tune it is refreshing to see a good, old-fashioned rock band who pride themselves on live performances of their own songs.
Alter Bridge Tour The UK
Alter Bridge Tour The UK

I’m talking about American rockers Alter Bridge, who are touring the UK this autumn and has tickets to their gigs.

Alter Bridge, whilst not widely known in this country, are a highly regarded US rock band that formed in 2004 in Orlando, Florida after the breakup of ‘Creed’, with Mark Tremonti, Brian Marshall, Scott Phillips of that band being joined by vocalist Myles Kennedy. The band’s name derives from an actual bridge in Detroit near Tremonti’s home.

The band’s first album ‘One Day Remains’, released in 2004 received mixed reviews at the time and was not commercially successful although the classic track ‘Metalingus’ was later adopted by WWE wrestling star Edge as his entrance theme and remains a favourite of wrestling fans. 

After changing record label the band released the albums ‘Blackbird’ in 2007 and AB III 2010 to far more critical and commercial success. The band’s music has been variously described as heavy, yet melodic, hard rock, alternative, progressive and post-grunge. The band cite influences such as Led Zeppellin, Metallica, Guns ‘n’ Roses, Soundgarden, Iron Maiden and ACDC –  a virtual list of rock’s greatest bands and that should tell you all you need to know about the musical style of the band.

Although Alter Bridge remain relatively low profile compared to rock bands like Foo Fighters, they are well-known for their live performances and love of touring, with a preference for smaller venues although this autumn’s dates are set for UK arenas. As Myles Kennedy has said in the past “We’re definitely a live band. That’s what it’s all about for us”. They performed to rave reviews at several rock festivals this summer and now they’re set to wow their fans in a tour with support from Black Stone Cherry and Theory of a Deadman, starting in November.

Kennedy’s voice is one of the main reasons to go and see this band live. He’s widely regarded within the music industry as shown by the fact he rehearsed with Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham with a view to Led Zeppelin re-forming with him as vocalist. Whilst that project came to nothing the fact that he was considered as a possible replacement for rock legend Robert Plant speaks volumes for his reputation and ability. Kennedy has a tenor’s vocal range that spans four octaves ensuring that his live performances match those on the studio albums – not something that all rock bands can guarantee.

Although the Led Zep project didn’t pan out, Kennedy has worked extensively with former Guns ‘n’ Roses lead guitarist Slash, performing two songs on his first solo album, touring with him as lead vocalist and agreeing to the same role in Slash’s second solo project which will be released sometime in the future. Kennedy was originally offered the role as lead singer with another of Slash’s bands, Velvet Revolver, an offer he declined.

Kennedy’s rich voice is clearly influenced by more than his love of rock music. It’s obvious that Robert Plant was an idol of Kennedy but many may be surprised to hear that as a child he also loved his parent’s Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder records. In his formative years Kennedy was also an accomplished jazz guitarist, playing with local bands in Washington State where he grew up. He also appeared in the movie ‘Rock Star’ and was the only actor whose actual singing voice was used, although the film was generally derided.

At the conclusion of this tour the band are rumoured to be heading back to the US where they will concentrate on other projects in 2012 before beginning work on new material in 2013. This means that the six-date UK arena tour this autumn will be the last chance for fans to catch the band for some time.

For those new to Alter Bridge they’re a really great live rock band, featuring the talent of a truly gifted front man in Myles Kennedy. The band are accomplished performers and what you see is all real. They’ve worked at and perfected their craft, their songs are drawn from their own experiences and you can tell this from the passion they show on stage. They’re the antithesis of modern pop and are so much the better for that.              


 Make sure you catch this band and get your Alter Bridge tickets at

Alan Carr brings on woman’s labour!

Posted: September 15, 2011 in Comedy, Concerts
Alan Carr’s stand-up, gig Spexy Beast, has had  rave reviews but non so flattering as one woman, who laughed so much during the performance she went into labour.
Alan Carr's 2011 Tour

Alan Carr's 2011 Tour

The pregnant woman who has been named as Tessa Lawson repeatedly visited the toilet during Alan Carr’s performance, but was caught short on the last visit just before the interval when her waters broke.

The  mum-to-be was rushed off to hospital where she gave birth to her healthy daughter later the same evening.

Alan Carr posted a message on Twitter during the performance saying, “An audience member has gone into labour. Pass me a hot towel and tongs, I’m going in! Love to you and bump”.

Ms Lawson responded with “I had the baby and I would have needed more than hot towels and forceps. That man shouldn’t have been so funny!”

If you want to see how funny this man really is then I suggest you check out for Alan Carr Tickets. have shopped around for you so you don’t have to.

Alan will be next appearing at the MEN Arena in Manchester on 16 September and will be touring with his hit show Spexy Beast until he finishes at the O2 Arena in London on 6th November 2011.

If you can’t wait that long check out our video:-

Aloe Blacc has Good Times at last

Posted: September 13, 2011 in Concerts

Ex business consultant Aloe Blacc appeared on BBC Breakfast this morning and  looking very dapper in his trilby explained on the programme how being made redundant changed his whole life.

The lyrics to his new album Good Times are very  moving to say the least.
Aloe Blacc Tours The UK

Aloe Blacc Tours The UK

Aloe Blacc is now a successful soul singer songwriter who was previously known as E Nathaniel Dawkins and employed by Ernst & Young. The singer was made redundant by the firm and experienced a downturn in his life, but used this experience to reinvent himself.

With his experience on both sides of the coin, Blacc’s music describes the damaged caused when families fall on bad times during this economic crisis, “Leaves family in the streets with nothing to eat;little baby boys and girls no shoes on their feet;” are the painful lyrics he uses in one of his tracks called Life So Hard.

There is a very clean sound to this singers gritty second album Good Times, but Aloe Blacc wanted the album to be clear so he could get his message across. The album has deliberately not been over produced with the feel of Blacc’s hero Marvin Gaye.

Good Times represents romance, money, hard times and political statements which makes this album so perfect for right now.

Aloe Blacc will be touring the UK for two weeks during December starting at the HMV Institute in Birmingham on the 3rd December.

BritEvents have Aloe Blacc tickets available, dig deep into your soul and grab some tickets to see this wonderfully talented singer.

Listen to Life So Hard here:-

Gary Barlow Is Dancing On The Ceiling!!

Posted: September 9, 2011 in Concerts
X-Factor judge Gary Barlow, steps upto the mark and rescues the day as Lionel Richie cancels his headlining act and  pulls out of  the Radio 2 Hyde Park show this weekend due to illness.
Hyde Park 2011

Hyde Park 2011

The Take That front man was approached by Radio 2 DJ Chris Evans to fill in for the US singer songwriter Lionel Richie after he pulled out of this weekend’s Radio 2 Live In Hyde Park concert because of ill-health.

A statement from Lionel Richie says the Hyde Park show “has a fantastic line up and I was looking forward to other artists on what promises to be a fabulous day of entertainment. To all the fans that bought tickets I promise to be back very soon and make up for it with something very special.”

Gary Barlow is a close friend of Chris Evans and was very happy to step in the shoes of the Dancing On The Ceiling star saying ” It’s a pleasure to step in last minute and cover for Mr. Richie. Chris called me and said Lionel had pulled out because he was ill and they had a hole in the show, so I was more than happy to help out.”

Chris Evans is pleased that he asked the  Take That star to save the day, “What an incredible line up – thanks to super-sub Gary Barlow who is now the icing on what was already a pretty special cake,” he said.

There seems to be no end to the many strings of Gary Barlow’s bow and, with juggling a record breaking Take That tour and another controversial  X-Factor series, it is a wonder that there would be anytime left for him to  appear this weekend in London, but there you are, the nice guy has saved the day again!

It isn’t only Gary Barlow that graces the stage this weekend at the Radio 2 gig in  Hyde Park, as he is joined by  Will Young, Bellowhead, Jools Holland, The Pierces and disco act Chic, well known for a string of hits in the 1970s.

 Luckily have tickets for the Radio 2 Hyde Park festival this weekend, so don’t do a Lionel, get those tickets while you can!