Archive for September 7, 2011

JLS’ 2012 Tour Promo Video in 3D

Posted: September 7, 2011 in Concerts
JLS shoot an exclusive promotional video for the up and coming tour in 2012

The Sun newspaper has shown an exclusive promo for upcoming gigs for the X- Factor boy band JLS

JLS promotional video to be in 3D

JLS promotional video to be in 3D

The black and white video promotes their UK tour which kick starts in March 2012 at the Echo Arena in Liverpool and all finishes off at the massive O2 Arena in London.

They explained to The Sun how the O2 is a second home to them now.  It does have to be said they have come along way since X Factor over three years ago, when they were at the O2 arena waiting for the results to see if they were going to be voted into the judges houses from boot camp.

The ‘Beat Again’ boys remember their humble beginnings but are looking forward to their massive tour next year,  “We are here now doing a sort of £million campaign what ever it is for the O2 it’s madness,” they told The Sun.

3D is not a good look for some of the band!

Their exclusive promo video is being shot in 3D and although band member JB admitted that he was the better looking member of the four on a 3D screen, the rest of JLS were not quite so excited about the thought  as every one can see everything, saying “It’s not kind – you don’t miss a thing.” have JLS tickets available that “make you wanna oh oh oh oh oh oh”!!!

Watch the JLS promo video here:-