Archive for September 2, 2011

X-Factor 2011 steams ahead this weekend with Antony Costa’s brother auditioning for a place at bootcamp, while another row erupts behind the scenes.




The Blue star’s brother wowed the judges of X-Factor with his performance and Gary Barlow even called  him “great”.  You can see the try-out from Louis Costa on ITV2 Xtra Factor tomorrow night and we really hope that he is not that embarrassing – he is the brother of a member from the failed Eurovision Song Contest band after all, isn’t that embarrassment enough!

Elsewhere in the X-factor world, the former X-Factor star Katie Waissel has admitted that she doesn’t believe anything in the show after contestant Kitty Brucknell was slammed for having her Lady Gaga performance edited and for being over-confident.

Katie, who was criticised throughout her X-Factor experience said, ” I can’t judge anyone because of the way performances are edited. I don’t believe a thing I see. People should be judged on their voices over personalities.”

Don’t believe everything you see on X Factor

If a former contestant can say that about the show then perhaps the public will wake up and smell the coffee. This show is so over contrived it should now be obvious to all the contestants taking part in the auditions that they are seen as lambs to the slaughter or, as Ben Elton famously portrayed them in his novel ‘Chart Throb’, mingers, blingers and clingers.

Winners v Loosers

Winners v Losers

Yes there are winners, but how many wannabes have had been badly affected by these shows? As Katie Waissel said “I went through so much on that show which not only affected me but my family.”

During last years show Katie Waissel’s gran was reported to be a prostitute which resulted in pictures of  her grandmother posing in dodgy underwear claiming that her granddaughter had ruined her escort business!

Oh! the controversy

Every single year we have to put up with the controversy, the rows, the bullying and the disappointment from contestants who are promised the world only to be dropped without a second thought. Even when the lucky ones, or should I say unlucky ones, get through to the finals, these people are used as punch bags in front of millions of sniggering viewers every week, unaware of the story lines that appear in the papers the next day which cause so much hurt and inevitable shame.

You could argue that they should know what to expect, but most of these people are starstruck, immature, hungry for fame and cannot see further than the end of their microphone.

How many times over the years have we seen headlines like these in the press, The X Factor Under Fire, X Factor Faces Backlash or Someone is furious with someone on X-Factor.

The whole set up seems to be based on whipping the British public into a frenzy every weekend, with the show concentrating on the rows and fights between not only the contestants but also the judges!

Sad Saturday TV

It is not happy television, but hey there’s a recession and there’s nowt else to do on a Saturday night!

If you are a fan of the show and would like to see the good and the bad perform live on stage, then tickets to see X-Factor Live in 2012 are available from We have done the shopping around for you so you don’t have to!

Trust to bring you What’s On. When It’s On.