See Kate’s Wedding Dress During The Summer In Buckingham Palace

Posted: July 28, 2011 in Attractions

It was announced last week that the Queen will be staying in Balmoral slightly longer than usual this summer. This is to give the public more time to visit Buckingham Palace and  view the most anticipated wedding dress of the decade.
Kate's dress goes on display at Buckingham Palace

Kate's dress goes on display at Buckingham Palace

The intricately designed gown went on show to the public at Buckingham Palace last week.

The Queen and Kate Middleton, Duchess Of Cornwall toured the exhibit at the  Palace recently where Queen Elizabeth joked that the dress was “horrid”, not the sort of thing you want to hear about your wedding dress really, but she meant that it looked quite spooky without a body or a head!

This £250,000 dress by Alexander McQueen is undoubtably the star of  Buckingham Palace’s open season. Alongside the dress is the  tiered wedding cake, the Queens shoes, a 1936 Cartier tiara, loaned to Kate by the Queen containing 1,000 diamonds and other items from the big day.

This exhibition is expected to receive a record number of visitors.  Over 600,000 people paying £17.50 each to view the exhibition over the next 10 weeks will definitely help with the Queens finances!

In 1994 Buckingham Palace saw a record-breaking 420,000 visitors, which earned the Palace ‘Best UK Attraction’ at both the Group Travel Awards and the Group Leisure Awards.

It will be interesting to see the final figure for this years eagerly anticipated exhibition.

For more information on Buckingham Palace tickets, and opening times  go to and search Buckingham Palace, London.




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